DEMODÊ’s productive chain
our production chain also represents our values, and that's why we created this space for you to meet the women involved in this process.

creation, product development, manufacturing and distribution
it is in our studio, in the center of the city of São Luís, state of Maranhão, where everything happens: the creation of designs for new models, manufacture and shipment of products, photos, development of campaigns and everything concerning the DEMODÊ universe. we are 4 women who work directly in the atelier and we also have a patternmaker and a crocheter to create new products, as well as photographers invited to take part in our campaigns.
> DEMODÊ ateliê
São Luís - MA

organic cotton knit
the cotton from Paraíba, which is born in color already, was the inspiration for the creation of DEMODÊ, as it was from it that the ecodesigner Maria Zeferina created our first designs. since 2016, Natural Cotton Color has been supplying small, medium and large weavers with cotton feathers grown through the family farming system, such as the Margarida Maria Alves settlement, in Juarez Távora, an arid region of this state located in Northeast Brazil.
> Natural Cotton Collor
João Pessoa - PB

handmade lace
the Bilro de Ouro Association, located in the municipality of Raposa, state of Maranhão, is made up of around 56 women who produce our handmade lace. it is about ancestral knowledge passed from mother to daughter. the technique is originally Italian and was brought over by the Portuguese, but it became part of the Brazilian coast culture and, here in the Northeast region, gained unique characteristics.
> Associação Bilro de Ouro
Raposa - MA

crochet and patchwork with our remnants
The Tecendo Saberes group is made up of around 30 women, among crocheters and sewists, who develop authorial pieces and also work to order. we found them through the NAVE NGO that works with several handicraft production groups in the city of São Luis in Maranhão, where our studio is settled. currently they are responsible for creating our patchwork pieces that will gain a special space here on the site.
>Tecendo Saberes
Vila Embratel - São Luís MA

crochet yarn
We love handmaking and crochet is another one of these skills that has entered our product line. but this was only possible because we have Made By You yarn available, made with the same organic cotton from Paraíba that we use in all our production.
> Made by your store
Blumenau - SC

elastics and sewing threads
Our elastics used in the production, as well as the thread, correspond to 5% of our purchase. These are items that depend on the industry and that's why we choose brands that meet work requirements and fair remuneration.
>Zanotti - elásticos
Pacatuba – CE